1 Universal Values, 2 Global Understanding, 3 Excellence, 4 Service to Humanity

GEMS Teacher Training Program
Training Goals

To prepare teachers to address total potential of the child and to provide them with the values, attitudes and skills necessary to accomplish this vision.

To provide the inspiration and the training necessary to equip teachers:

  1. To become example of these values, attitudes and skills
  2. To be the upholders of high standards at all times
  3. To be an inspiration and mentors to their students, parents and the community at large
  4. To see themselves as the creators and molders of the future
  5. To set their own personal goals and milestones to accomplish this vision
  6. To create and find the tools and processes necessary to accomplish these goals
  7. To self-assess progress
  8. To commit to continuous improvement and learning
  9. To commit to sharing their findings with others
  10. To commit to creative pursuits in the accomplishment of these goals

The four building blocks are part of the Global Education Model of Schooling developed by the Council for Global Education. These are the four VUES of education: Universal Values, Global Understanding, Excellence in All Things, and Service to Humanity. They provide a complete framework in which all of education can be organized as they address all aspects of a child's reality: spirit (to be), the heart (to love), the mind (to know) and the body (to do/will).

Understanding Knowledge of the 3 Rs and other useful academic and intellectual content (the essentials and not everything that is currently included in curricula).

Wisdom Character development and the acquisition of virtues, the ability to distinguish what is worthy of human nobility and what is not, and to make the right choices.

Spiritual Perception Inner development, such as the development of will power, abilities of the mind and heart to take concepts to reality, to see the end in the beginning, nurturing of the spirit through music and the arts, and exposure to nature, and appreciation of beauty (non-sectarian context without denying the influence of religion on those who adhere to a faith).

Exemplary Living Expression of what is learned into action and to the advancement of civilization, setting high standards of personal conduct. This includes human education, the development of coexistence skills, service learning, and the ability to become a successful member of a family, a community and the world.




Copyright © 1998- The Council for Global Education.
These are views of the CGE. They can be used in conjunction with free membership to CGE with acknowledgment of the source.