1 Universal Values, 2 Global Understanding, 3 Excellence, 4 Service to Humanity

GEMS Teacher Training Program
Levels of Certification (Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold)

The training program encompasses four basic levels: Copper, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each certification is achieved by continuing to explore issues relevant to your work after the training itself concludes. You will then return to a future session and share your lessons with others, providing a unique networking opportunity for educators working with issues of character and values.

What is Copper level certification?

Copper level certification is the first step of CGE's in-service teacher training program and demonstrates our appreciation for your work in character and universal values education.

You can earn your Copper certification today

And for free ... by simply filling out our Baseline Survey for Educators and by demonstrating that your are a character educator. Once you have completed the survey, which should take no more than 30 minutes of your time, please return it to us by fax or mail, and your certification will be sent to you. The survey is an attempt to help our organization and others interested in these issues understand how you are applying certain aspects of character education in your work. We hope, too, that it will serve as a baseline for your own future work in this field.

In addition, you will qualify for the following:

Membership in Global Panel 2010
Panel 2010 is an expanding network of individuals and institutions worldwide that are committed to the creation of a new model of education and are committed to sharing innovations in their own work in education. A World Congress on Education will be held in 2010, where Panel 2010 members will present a jointly prepared document outlining Global Core Principles in Education.




Copyright © 1998- The Council for Global Education.
These are views of the CGE. They can be used in conjunction with free membership to CGE with acknowledgment of the source.